Cyber Crisis Response |
Cyber Crisis Management Training and Services

Unique skills to meet unique organizational threats
Cyber Crisis Management Leadership Professional (C²MLP)
The C2MLP is offered in four modalities:
Online, self-paced
2-Day Live, in-person or remote (Partner-sponsored)
2-Day Live, in-person or remote (Company-sponsored)
2-Day Live, in-person or remote (Public course; limited options)
Differences between the online training and the in-person or remote training:
Although the curriculum is very similar, there are differences. You can review the differences below.
The online training is shorter in duration due to less topics being covered.
The live, in-person or remote course is longer in duration due to more topics being covered.
The live, in-person or remote course provides for guided discussions following each simulation.
The live, in-person or remote course provides for collaboration and discussion amongst attendees.
The live, in-person or remote course can be delivered over two full days, four half-days, or on a schedule convenient to the sponsor.
Live, In-Person or Remote Course Outline: $1,750 Per Leader (Contact us for volume discounts)
Effectively leading an organization's response to a major cyber attack requires a unique set of skills. Our Cyber Crisis Management Leadership Professional (C²MLP) executive education training program is designed to better prepare senior managers and executives to meet this unique challenge in order to reduce cyber risk impact and accelerate recovery to business as usual.
This is the third and final course in the Cyber Crisis Management Professional series. The first course is the Cyber Crisis Management Planning Professional (C2MP2). The second course is the Cyber Crisis Management Exercise Professional (C2MEP). Despite our recommendation that students complete the certification series, it is not required and each course stands alone and provides independent value.
There is no other program in the world similar to ours that is dedicated to reducing cyber risk and increasing organizational resilience through leadership capability development.
Module 2: Broadening the Perspective
Simulation 4
The wider system
Identifying clues
What you see is all there is
Video demonstration
Blind to our blindness
Bar story
The power of recognition
Priming recognition
Bugs in the human software
Simulation 5A & 5B
Simulation 6A & 6B
Cultural dimensions
Cultural dimension: country profiles
Cultural dimensions: your team & the CCRT
Cultural dimensions: correlating cyber attack data
Top cyber attack techniques: China
Top cyber attack techniques: Iran
Top cyber attack techniques: Russia
Looks matter & the truth
Nation state attack implications on our thoughts
Four explanations
Simulation 7
Incident response maturity
Anatomy of a cyber crisis response
Cyber crisis response architecture/framework
Module 1: Sense-Making During a Cyber Crisis
Challenges to leading in non-routine situations
The root cause of crisis management issues
The importance of credibility
Simulation 1
The value of maps
Managing risks and value of a feedback loop
Proactive risk management
Sense-making approaches
Eliminating groupthink
4-D sense-making
Simulation 2
Assessing feedback limitations
Simulation 3
Module 3: Restructuring our Thinking
System 1 & System 2
Thinking in frames
Case study
Frame influences
Your frames
My blind spots
Simulation 8
Simulation 9
Simulation 10
Simulation 11
Simulation 12
Capstone Immersion & Module 4: Building Future Crises Leaders
Capstone Immersion (12 simulation series)
Applying the knowledge
Open discussion on performance outcomes
Module 4: Challenges for Leaders Building Leaders
Finding order
Complexity vs chaos
Wanted: Leaders
End of course examination
20 multiple choice questions
One hour
70% passing score
Digital badge
Professional certificate
Black C2MLP "Wolf" lapel pin
Made in Estonia by Roman Tavast
The objective of this service is to immerse an organization’s cyber crisis leadership team into a real-world like integrated education, analysis and performance optimization experience designed to prepare the team to effectively lead the response to a major cyber incident.
Cyber crisis leaders graduate from the course with new-found knowledge, confidence, and capabilities uniquely designed to prove to the board, regulators, customers and shareholders that the organization is committed to doing all it can to reduce cyber risk and increase organizational resilience.
Innovative Model
According to ALLOY Institute, today’s leadership models focus on leadership soft-skills, and wrongly assume that business performance will follow. Early on in the research process, they identified a gap in the current leadership literature and, indeed, in many of the corporate hallways today. To put it mildly, a vast majority of leaders are not faring well in today’s non routine environment. Over the past several decades, cyber crisis work has rapidly increased, while leadership and business performance has rapidly declined. It seems that soft-skills are not near enough to drive performance.
Our program integrates psychological aspects uncovered by Nobel prize-winner, Daniel Kahneman with naturalistic decision making research from Dr. Gary Klein, ALLOY Institute research, and our own experiences.
We are confident our cyber crisis leadership course is unlike any executive education program in the world. This includes between 22-24 simulation immersions, depending on course modality.
Proven in Research
Understanding how a leader could be successful in spite of today’s growing non routine challenges, prompted researchers to conduct a four-year, rigorous research study across 10 industries. For our unique, cyber crisis centric course, we leverage the research resulting from 50+ qualitative interviews, national surveys, deep secondary research in the cognitive sciences, and dozens of first-hand case studies.
Proven in Practice
Further more, research reveals leadership is regarded as the most critical factor in the success or failure of an institution. Yet, 90% of leaders admitted, if not demonstrated, their inability to navigate today’s non routine challenges effectively. The Cyber Crisis Management Leadership Professional program resolves this challenge by training a leader’s intuition with practical principles and tools so they can see, think, and act more effectively in cyber crisis situations.
C²MLP students learn how to assume and demonstrate responsibility in a crisis,
how to make decisions and collaborate with others during periods of uncertainty, and skills to cope with substantial stress.
In accordance with research and our own experience, a paradigm shift for leaders is required. As non routine challenges, such as a cyber crisis, rise rapidly, leadership and business performance has declined. In Module 1, students learn how the few successful non-routine leaders have shifted their thinking from problem solver to problem sensemaker in order to lead and grow more effectively in today’s unpredictable and threat-laden world.
This is the most important of the four principles as it equips students with the foundation tools and insights of cyber crisis leadership, paving the way for a much needed, and new philosophy for leadership today.
As our leadership experience grows, so does our recognition. But, what happens in a non routine situation that is entirely unfamiliar and extremely complex?
Students learn how to quickly and reliably identify the most critical clues in cyber crises situations—the visible information as well as the blind spots that help us understand the situation at hand.
Along the way, learners will find that your judgment, adaptiveness, and debiasing skills will improve as they spot these clues before anyone else.
Intuition is brilliant in routine situations but fails miserably in the non routine. Why is this, and why do some leaders tend to have a cognitive edge over others in these scenarios?
Students learn how the brain is naturally wired to think and how to train intuition with ‘fluid intelligence.’
Students should expect to see the large performance results as most leaders improve the quality of their decisions by almost 500% in areas like creativity, strategic thinking, with faster learning speeds.
How should leaders train their employees for a future they don’t understand, with future skills they don’t yet have? Additionally, as the half-life of skills plummets drastically below five years, how can leaders avoid training others with obsolete information?
Students will learn how to train others for the future. Additionally, this module begins to transfer what has been learned in the previous modules to other leaders.
Topics such as sense-making, perspective-taking, issue selling, effective communications, creativity, organizational agility, and risk taking are all covered and aligned to the cyber crisis response process flow.
Leaders will explore intuition and how to leverage the gift of fear to reduce organizational risk while also digging into cognitive biases to ensure sound judgment and decision making.
Techniques to optimize performance such as after-action reviews, recognition-primed decision making, the Edge of Chaos, and the Bowtie Model are all covered to help manage uncertainty in complex environments.
We have developed a series of realistic scenarios to immerse students into situations where they must apply what they have learned to a variety of stimuli. These scenarios allow cyber crisis leaders an opportunity to practice the skills they have learned in a safe, controlled, and non-judgmental environment.